Laser Cutting

For Hobby

Laser cutters are great tool for hobbyists. Easy to use, quick to master and endlessly expand your possibilities for making!  Hobbyists come in all shapes and sizes, most begin with a few ideas, and experience laser cutting for the first time at University, or in a FabLab or makerspace.

With Laser cutters being popular tools in open workspaces, finding time on a machine can be hard. As your designs and enthusiasm grow, so does the dream of owning your own machine.

Most hobbyists that purchase a laser cutter eventually turn into little home businesses, with designs being sold in the local area, Esty, Instagram etc. Some even grow to become full time!
At the end of the day a tool is only as good as the craftsman behind it, although a good tool certainly helps!

At FabCreator we don't believe in consumer grade tools which are designed to fail after so many hours. The FabCore whilst entry level, is designed to work as hard and as often as you need it to with minimal maintenance. This allows you to grow into your machine as apposed to out of it!

Hobby Projects

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